
convenience DOS batch files for common bash commands

Primary LanguageShell


NOTE: Deprecated for GNU W32 Utils. See http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/coreutils.htm

Simple DOS batch files that provide basic 'work-alike' compatibility for common bash shell commands.

These are NOT a shell, just a simple way to deal with me absent-mindedly typing "ls" when I mean "dir"-- sort of a do-what I meant.

Commands cover just a few basic and don't provide a lot of switches. Commands supported include:

  • cat- works like DOS "type" command using cat.bat to send text file to console
  • cp- works like DOS "xcopy" command by calling cp.bat [Note: xcopy supports recursive copying, unlike DOS copy command.]
  • edit- my own crutch here: this opens the specified file with the Notepad++ application
  • env- works like DOS "set" command with no arguments specified, and will display current environment variables
  • ls- works like DOS "dir" command, plus one extended switch "ls -Fsal" spills all the "dir" dirt
  • man- works like DOS "help" command using man.bat to display help for the specified command
  • mv- works like DOS "move" command using mv.bat to move a file
  • npp- my own crutch here: this opens the specified file with the Notepad++ application
  • open- works like DOS "start" command to open specified file with associated app (or 'explore' a directory)
  • pwd- works like DOS "cd" command with no arguments and will display the current directory path
  • rm- works like DOS "del" command to delete the specified file(s)


Clone repository and place in DOS PATH or add it it to PATH.


(Mis) type one of the listed bash shell commands at the DOS prompt- voila, what you meant to do typically results, with the exception of most command switches.


Tested with Windows 7 SP1 64-bit command prompt/shell.


MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php