ScalsJS Live Reload Plugin
This plugin does two things:
- Copy JS somewhere after compile
- Reaload page after compile
Install local dependency. Clone this project and execute:
$ sbt publishLocal
Add plugin
addSbtPlugin("" % "livereload" % "0.1.0")
Live reload usage
Add on HTML page
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:10101/js/livereload.js"></script>
In sbt console execute
sbt:appjs> livereload
Run ~fastLinkJS to compile scalajs files.
sbt:appjs> ~fastLinkJS
Done, the HTML page will be reloaded.
Copy JS usage
Configure app name and destination of copy
.settings( name := "my-app-name", copyTarget := Some(baseDirectory.value / ".." / "web" / "static" / "js") // copy main.js to ../web/static/js )
In sbt console execute
sbt:appjs> copyFilesJS
Run ~fastLinkJS to compile scalajs files.
sbt:appjs> ~fastLinkJS
Done, the JS will be copied to copyTarget.
Use both features
Configure both features described above
In sbt console execute
sbt:appjs> livewatch
Run ~fastLinkJS to compile scalajs files.
sbt:appjs> ~fastLinkJS
Done, the JS will be copied to copyTarget and HTML page will be reloaded.
Test project
On appjs folder, run sbt
sbt:appjs> livereload
Open test html on http://localhost:10101/sample/index.html.
sbt:appjs> ~fastLinkJS
and save to HTML reload.