
A way to run heroes of might and magic 3 on MacOS Catalina

Primary LanguageShell


mkdir -p ~/wine/sources
mkdir -p ~/wine/.wine
cd ~/wine

# Downlad XQARTZ https://dl.bintray.com/xquartz/downloads/XQuartz-2.7.8.dmg 
# Run dmg and install XQARTZ 
# DO NOT USE  > 2.7.8 (problem with video drivers)
# Relogin

# Open XQuartz app in Applications/Utils/XQuartz
# Настройки - Безопасность - Разрешить подключение из клиентских сетей
# [eng] Preferences - Security - Enable connections from client networks
# Relogin

# Install brew if not exist
brew install pulseaudio
# Enable needed module
sed -i -- '/#load-module\ module-native-protocol-tcp/s/^#//g' /usr/local/opt/pulseaudio/etc/pulse/default.pa

brew services start pulseaudio

# Build image
docker build -t wine .

# Download HOTA https://vk.com/h3hota
# http://download.h3hota.com/HotA_full_setup 
# and save to ./sources/

Checks before start

# Check sound
# Should make a noise // Press Ctrl+C to stop

# Check x11
# Should open windows notepad // Close by x in ui 

Start wine

# Open XQuartz app in Applications/Utils/XQuartz
# Start script

Installation HOTA


# In docker
wine sources/HOTA****.exe

# Accept all MONO,Gecko and other installations
# Install Heroes


# Играть / Play