
SixArm.com » Brew install scripts for our various packages

Primary LanguageShell

brew install commands for our favorite formulas

These are our team's [brew install](brew install) commands that we use to set up a typical MacBook macOS computer.

If you're looking for a Brewfile, see our Brewfile


Simple scripts that install a lot of common software:

The scripts that install stacks have much larger downloads, and also longer installations, because the stacks include programming languages, databases, servers, developer tools, and more.


Before you begin, you may want to install two large Mac applications, that other applications depend upon.

To run the scripts:

  • Option 1: clone the repo, then use your shell to run any of the scripts.
  • Option 2: simply view the raw text of any of the scripts, and copy/paste into your shell.

More about brew pacakges

To learn what a formula does, visit the brew formulas site:

To learn what a specific formula does, there's a URL for each formula, such as:


We start some services during startup:

brew services start postgresql
brew services start elasticsearch
brew services start logstash
brew services start kibana

See Also



  • Package: sixarm_brew_install
  • Version: 7.23.0
  • Created: 2015-04-13
  • Updated: 2018-10-26
  • License: GPL
  • Contact: Joel Parker Henderson (joel@joelparkerhenderson.com)