
This is Kresko’s old codebase. We built an end-to-end prototype to showcase our vision. A barebones synthetic protocol and a frontend PWA interface to allow trading of assets

Primary LanguageSolidity

Kresko Protocol

Kresko’s mission is to help people in developing countries grow wealth by bringing them access to global markets.

Kresko protocol allows creation of crypto backed synthetic assets in a capital efficient way.

NOTE: This is Kresko’s old codebase. We are developing Kresko v1 privately and we will make it public before its release.


This requires Node v12 or higher.

# to check your current node version:
node -v

# if the version is < 12, use nvm to use v12
nvm use 12

Install dependencies:


Deploying to Alfajores

Deployments with hardhat to alfajores are fairly painful, so in the short term we use truffle for test deployments to Alfajores. The hardhat-celo plugin is very ubeswap-specific, so we will need to do some work to make it a little more agnostic.

Set up the node with our key (note these are bad practices and should only be for alfajores):

# start at home

# make a dir for the alfajores datadir
mkdir alfajores-datadir && cd alfajores-datadir

export CELO_IMAGE=us.gcr.io/celo-org/geth:mainnet

# this is a dummy account with some alfajores funds
# just don't try to use it for mainnet lol

# start the lightest node
docker run --name celo-node -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300 -p -p -p 30303:30303 -p 30303:30303/udp -v $PWD:/root/.celo $CELO_IMAGE --verbosity 3 --syncmode lightest --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcapi eth,net,web3,debug,admin,personal --light.serve 90 --light.maxpeers 1000 --maxpeers 1100 --etherbase $ADDRESS --datadir /root/.celo --nousb --alfajores --allow-insecure-unlock

# attach
docker exec -it celo-node geth attach

# now in the repl:
> personal.importRawKey('REDACTED', 'SOME_PASSWORD')
# should print the lowecase value of $ADDRESS

> personal.unlockAccount('0xREDACTED', 'SOME_PASSWORD', 0)
# should give "true"

# now lets confirm our account is unlocked:
> personal.listWallets
# should show its status as "Unlocked"

Now we can migrate that bad boy:

# in kresko-protocol:
yarn truffle migrate --network alfajores

We can then mess around with the truffle console:

yarn truffle console --network alfajores

truffle(alfajores)> kAsset = await KAsset.deployed()
truffle(alfajores)> kAsset.symbol()