Mobius Governance

This governance platform is a fork of Compound Finance's Governor Bravo contracts. This comprises of all the smart contracts that make up the DAO, plus several script for submitting, and moving proposals through the steps until execution.


To adapt for veMOBI, we call the balanceOfAt() function rather than getPriorVotes(). The initiation has also been removed because this is the first instance of governance for Mobius whereas Governor Bravo was the second governing platform for Compound. Some slight alteration have been made to the initialization as a result of this being our first governance instance and Governor Bravo being Compound's second.

How governance work

Mobius governance works by allowing veMOBI token holders to submit and vote on proposals, which can alter smart contracts that are under the control of the Mobius governance contract. The basic building block of this governance platform is proposals. Proposals can be submitted by anyone who has at least the minimum threshold of votes. After a delay period, the proposal can be voted on by all the veMOBI holders. The voting power for a proposal is proportional to the amount of veMOBI at the time the proposal was submitted. veMOBI holders can vote on the proposal at any point during the voting period. After the voting period, if the proposal has more for votes than the quorum and more for votes than against votes, the proposal can be queued in the timelock by anyone. After the timelock period has expired, anyone can tell the timelock to execute the transaction.



Version used in production

  • veMOBI: 0xd813a846aA9D572140d7ABBB4eFaC8cD786b4c0E
  • GovernorBravoDelgator: 0xA5Eb84773633f33d442ECDaC48212B0dEBf3C84A
  • GovernorBravoDelegate: 0xe15826ec86F054EE0847532F8356f55fF0A1a3D5
  • TimeLock: 0x7d9Af9dF33D6CAB895B4cF3422D790cbE98B48c8

Team testing

Version used amongst team for testing

  • veMOBI: 0xE9d0375cd6fC027A1a0eC39BB4c9928E5aBec27e
  • GovernorBravoDelgator: 0xB4EdE83B375fa524Dd9FC92581a060A428Cb6B7e
  • GovernorBravoDelegate: 0x80dC928abE680827bcAe8D5124D2f073fcc08954
  • TimeLock: 0xeBce4eD3F5aD902349F53dF57721cb393Eb09803

Personal testing

Version used for myself for testing

  • veMOBI: 0xd2Fc9ebE9602340f9917794d1B549cA3A275dd9f
  • GovernorBravoDelgator: 0x30Ba309aB83641cb293d98b7A6e7b8bd0d49f50D
  • GovernorBravoDelegate: 0xc469b24f9b61789810e47f85ce71e17fA2A35e6E
  • TimeLock: 0xDC4c8ca5C18A18A08a64a30B369E7a8B40e5fbcC

How to use

Initial setup

  1. Run the command yarn to install all dependencies.
  2. Run the command yarn hardhat compile to compile the contracts and generate the artifacts necessary to interact with the deployed instances.
  3. Rename .env.example to .env and enter your own seed phrase.
  4. In the file hardhat.config.ts, specify which derivation path is used by changing the path property for the accounts variable. For metamask and similar ethereum wallets, leaving the path commented out is sufficent. For Celo based wallets such as Valora and Celo extension wallet, the derivation path must be changed to m/44'/52752'/0'/0. You can also change which account to use by changing the value for deployer.

Deploying the contracts

All the deployments are done in the deploy/001_init.ts file.

  1. Run the command yarn hardhat deploy --network celo to deploy the governance contracts.

Submitting a proposal

Proposals can be submitted directly using the script scripts/submitProposal.ts. Submitters must meet the proposal threshold of votes in order to submit a proposal. Proposals need to be carefully constructed to ensure they do what is intended and don't revert. There are five things that need to be filled out as part of a proposal (description, value, signature, data, target). The file currently contains an example proposal.

  1. Run the command yarn hardhat run scripts/submitProposal.ts --network celo

Forwarding a proposal

Once a proposal has passed, it must be forwarded through the timelock before it is executed. The two steps are queing the proposal and executing the proposal. You must:

  1. Specify the proposal number by changing the first argument to either the governance.queue() function or the governance.execute(), which specifies the proposal id. This should match what is shown on the interface.
  2. Run the command yarn hardhat run scripts/queueProposal.ts --network celo to move the proposal into the timelock after the proposal has passed.
  3. Run the command yarn hardhat run scripts/executeProposal.ts --network celo to execute the proposal from the timelock after it has stayed there for the required amount of time.