Solace is a mental wellness mobile app that utilizes IBM Watson's Personality/Emotional Insights API to help users observe their own mental and emotional processes over time. Each day, users are encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings with Solace by simply speaking to the app. Solace will then analyze the recordings and output a visual representation of the user's personality and emotional insights. Users will not only have the ability to track their most recent statistics but also be able to check their progress over time.
The deployed Admin Panel and Backend Server is located at:
To see our test data render for different demographics, you can log in with:
Email: anuj@anuj.anuj
Password: 123
The client-side GitHub is located at:
The Chrome extension GitHub is located at:
Getting Started
Follow these steps to get the app and backend running on your machine.
This guide assumes that you have Node (and npm) and PostgreSQL installed for the backend.
For the client-side you will need XCode installed.
If you don't have the prerequisites, you can get them here:
Installing Backend
git clone
Make sure PostgreSQL is running and in your project directory, run
npm install
To seed the database
npm run seed
Then to start the server, run
npm start
and connect to localhost:1337.
You can log in with:
Email: anuj@anuj.anuj
Password: 123
Installing Client-Side
git clone
The application is linked to the deployed server so you do not need a local server running.
In your project directory, run
npm install
Then to link the react-native libraries
react-native link
To start the application
react-native run-ios
You can log in to the application with:
Email: anuj@anuj.anuj
Password: 123
Or you can create your own account and start recording!
Installing Chrome Extension
git clone
In your Chrome browser, go to:
Check the box labeled Developer mode and click Load unpacked extension...
Then select the project directory, and the extension will automatically load!
Running the tests
Our test suite features testing for the routing, database, API, and frontend.
On the backend we test Express, our database models, and our Watson API behavior.
On the frontend, we test our React Native components and Redux store for expected behavior, as well as the specific actions of our libraries and modules.
All tests are run via
npm test