SmartReceipt One-Click Installer Frontend


This repository has the front end code to work on the One-Click Installer for SmartReceipt

To Work in This Project:

  • Fork this repository.
  • Clone the forked repository to your local machine by typing git clone into your terminal.
  • If you don't already have Grunt installed globally, run npm install -g grunt-cli in the terminal.
  • In the terminal, navigate (cd) into the project directory, and run npm install to install dependencies.
  • Run grunt watch to preview while working (open index.html in your browser), and grunt to compile all code when you're finished.
  • Make any SCSS/JS changes within the src directory, and edit pages within the main directory. All files inside of the dist directory will be deleted and replaced with each run of grunt, making it important to only work within the src directory.

Built With:


Email or tweet Caleb Varoga with any questions or issues within this project.