Firebase Arduino Library for ARM/AVR WIFI Dev Boards based on WiFi101
- 1
Connection Refused
#12 opened by sophieJ07 - 2
Readme Addition
#11 opened by Kaphaalor - 12
Connection refused on example code
#7 opened by crysxd - 3
stream not Working
#10 opened by aronhiotas - 2
Adafruit Feather M0 WiFi issue
#9 opened by paulllleon - 3
Getting bad request
#8 opened by hetkpatel - 1
checking connection and forcing reconnection
#6 opened by waiot - 1
Error in the getInt example
#5 opened by will-sloan - 2
- 9
push and set TIMESTAMPs
#2 opened by Gerriko - 1
Firebase_Arduino_WiFi101_HTTPCLient.h: The "L" in wifi client should not be capitalized
#1 opened by kevin192291