
By Domainic White (singe) & Saif El-Sherei @ SensePost (research@sensepost.com)


Creating a wireless rifle de-authentication gun, which utilized a yagi antenna and a Raspberry Pi. The idea was simple: simulate some of the tools available in aircrack-ng wireless hacking suite in one script but without utilizing aircrack-ng in the process.


It contatins:

  • wifi.py - Main Wifi-Deauth script.
  • gun.py - Simple Raspberry Pi Python Script to control an LED and GPIO buttons



Just supply the wireless interface to the main wifi.py script.
wifi.py wlan0

The script features:

  1. Utilize iw commands to place a wireless device into monitor mode, and perform channel hopping to obtain packets from all channels.
  2. Use Core Security’s Pcapy to sniff traffic of the monitor device.
  3. use Core Security’s Impacket inside threads to parse certain 802.11 packets and extract interesting data from them.
  4. A Urwid a ncurses wrapper module to display the interface and handle key presses and callbacks.
  5. Use impacket to generate wireless packets and send them through raw sockets.


WiFi-Rifle by SensePost is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://sensepost.com/contact us/.
Impacket is provided under a slightly modified version of the Apache Software License. See (https://github.com/CoreSecurity/impacket/blob/master/LICENSE) for more details.
Pcapy is provided under a slightly modified version of the Apache Software License. (https://github.com/CoreSecurity/pcapy/blob/master/LICENSE) for more details.
Urwid is provided under GPL v2 license. See (https://github.com/wardi/urwid/blob/master/COPYING) for more details.