
Turn JSX to WXML(WeiXin Markup Language)


This plugin requires a minimum of Node v6.9 and Babel v7.x.


Babel Configuration

  "plugins": ["babel-plugin-transform-jsx-wxml"]

Node API

const babel = require('@babel/core');
const plugin = require('babel-plugin-transform-jsx-wxml');

const source = `
const array = ['1', '2', '3'];
  {state.flag && <MyButton>Click Me</MyButton>}
  {['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2].map((it, idx) => (<Body1>{it}</Body1>))}
  {, idx) => <Image lazyLoad>{it}</Image>)}      
const options = {};
const { code } = babel.transform(source, {
  plugins: [[plugin, options]],


option type required default description
namespace string N wx directive prefix
tagNameLetterCase string N kebab tern <MyButton/> to <my-button/>
attrNameLetterCase string N kebab tern <Image lazyLoad/> to <image lazy-load/>
delimiterStart string N {{ beginning delimiter for escaped locals or expression
delimiterEnd string N }} ending delimiter for escaped locals or expression
directiveIf string N ${namespace}:if conditional directive
directiveFor string N ${namespace}:for loop directive
directiveForIndex string N ${namespace}:for-index loop directive
directiveForItem string N ${namespace}:for-item loop directive


JSX source code:

const array = ['1', '2', '3'];
  {state.flag && <MyButton>Click Me</MyButton>}

  {['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2].map((it, idx) => <Body1>{it}</Body1>)}

  {, idx) => <Image lazyLoad>{it}</Image>)}

Result snapshot :

// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`should tern jsx to wxml 1`] = `
"const array = ['1', '2', '3'];
  <my-button wx:if=\\"{{state.flag}}\\">Click Me</my-button>

  <body1 wx:for=\\"{{['a','b','c',1,2]}}\\" wx:for-item=\\"{{it}}\\" wx:for-index=\\"{{idx}}\\">{{it}}</body1>

  <image lazy-load wx:for=\\"{{array}}\\" wx:for-item=\\"{{it}}\\" wx:for-index=\\"{{idx}}\\">{{it}}</image>