
Primary LanguageShell


My dotfiles for personalizing my system. Borrowed and inspired from uggedal and kjbekkelund.

Read more on the concept of dotfiles


cd ~ && git clone git@github.com:mobmad/dotfiles.git && cp -r dotfiles/ . && rm -rf dotfiles


Simple - no need to symlink, as the home directory itself is a git repo. To avoid accidental commits of Documents, .ssh and other stuff under ~, the .gitignore is set up to ignore all files and uses inverted patterns to whitelist specific files for inclusion. .gitignore_global is configured to be used for all git repos in .gitconfig


Possible confusion if you run git status on ~/some-directory-not-under-git will report status for the home repo. Will also affect PS1 if you have git enabled prompts. Note: this has no effect on ~/some-directory-UNDER-its-own-git-repo, as git status and other commands will no traverse up to ~.

What's the load order for .profile, .bash_profile and .bashrc, etc?

Read Zsh/Bash startup files loading order (.bashrc, .zshrc etc.) for a good explaination.