
Fancy chart view for displaying user budget.

Primary LanguageSwift


BudgetChartView is a donut chart for general purpose. Selacted angle of chart seems bold for distinguish it from other angles.

SwiftPM compatible


Custom Content


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 11+
  • Swift 5.2+


BudgetChartView is distributed with Swift Package Manager which is the only official distribution tool by Apple. You can add BudgetChartView to your project from Xcode's File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency menu with its github URL:



BudgetChartView can initialize from storyboard or programmatically. You need to feed chart via piesSlices parameter of type [Slice]. Slice is a struct that contains percentage and color of each pie slice.

Supported Attributes

  • piesSlices -> Feeding chart data. ([Slice])
  • selectedIndex -> Selected index of chart for specify selected angle. (Int)
  • pieSpace -> Distance between pie slices (Double)
  • sliceLineWidth -> Unselected slice width. (CGFloat)
  • selectedSliceLineWidth -> Selected slice width. (CGFloat)

Programmatically Initialize

    let pieDataToDisplay = [Slice(color: .green, percentage: 73),
                                 Slice(color: .red, percentage: 15),
                                 Slice(color: .orange, percentage: 12)]

    let chartView = BudgetChartView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200))
    chartView.center = self.view.center
    chartView.piesSlices = pieDataToDisplay

Storyboard Initialization

  • Create a view from storyboard.
  • Select view and set custom class in the identity inspector with BudgetChartView.
  • Can set @IBInspactable params in attribute inspector.
  • Create an outlet and set attributes for BudgetChartView instance.

What's next

  • Unit Tests.

Developed with 🖤 at Mobven