
Primary LanguageSwift


WaveMenu is an animated, custom menu view.

SwiftPM compatible


Custom Content


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 11+
  • Swift 5.2+


WaveMenu is distributed with Swift Package Manager which is the only official distribution tool by Apple. You can add WaveMenu to your project from Xcode's File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency menu with its github URL:



WaveMenu can initialize from storyboard or programmatically. WaveMenu gives an index of selected title attribute via WaveMenuDelegate, for doing this, menuDelegate has to set. Do not forget to set WaveMenu view backgroundColor attribute.

Supported Attributes

  • titleNames -> Displayed menu items. (String Array)
  • curveWidth -> Curve's bottom width. (Int)
  • titleFont -> Menu item's font. (UIFont)
  • menuTitleTextColor -> Menu item text color. (UIColor)
  • menuTitleSelectedTextColor -> Selected menu item text color. (UIColor)
  • curveFillColor -> Curve's fill color (UIColor)
  • curveDotColor -> DotView color (UIColor)
  • bottomViewPaddaing -> BottomView leading and trailing pading (CGFloat)
  • programmaticallySelectedIndex -> Menu index that selected programmatically (Int)

Programmatically Initialize

  • Create a WaveMenu instance and add as a subview.

      let topBar: WaveMenu = {
          let wm = WaveMenu()
          wm.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 232/255, green: 35/255, blue: 55/255, alpha: 1.0)
          wm.titleNames = ["Budget", "Transaction", "Overview"]
          wm.curveWidth = 24
          wm.titleFont = UIFont(name: "Noteworthy-Light", size: 15)!
          wm.menuTitleTextColor = .init(white: 1.0, alpha: 0.6)
          wm.menuTitleSelectedTextColor = .white
          wm.curveFillColor = .white
          return wm
      override func viewDidLoad() {
         topBar.menuDelegate = self
         // set constraints of topBar

Storyboard Initialization

Storyboard init

  • Create a view from storyboard.
  • Select view and set custom class in the identity inspector with WaveMenu.
  • Can set @IBInspactable params in attribute inspector.
  • Create an outlet and set attributes for WaveMenu instance.

What's next

  • New animations for curve.
  • Unit Tests.

Developed with 🖤 at Mobven