- 1
Any plans to support Angular 17?
#189 opened by huajian123 - 3
Trying to understand observables not updating in an expected way when used with async/await
#126 opened by SvenSchoene - 19
Looking for maintainers
#141 opened by adamkleingit - 1
- 1
It seems like mobxAutorun does not work correctly when it contains an ngIf that changes value
#170 opened by rezoled - 2
Computed of Computed ?
#161 opened by gelinger777 - 3
Angular 14
#164 opened by Chuckv01 - 6
mobx-angular imports broken since 4.5.0
#162 opened by Korsarro69 - 2
- 3
New Mobx version
#125 opened by nicolidin - 12
please support angular 12
#137 opened by Silentdoer - 4
- 1
(Feature Request) Action wrapper in template
#143 opened by drowhunter - 1
changeDetection is not triggered after delayed operations (setTimeout, RxJS, etc)
#139 opened by YugasVasyl - 2
observable requires reaction
#133 opened by OmerGronich - 4
Support Angular 10 and above
#127 opened by th0r - 3
Angular 10 support
#124 opened by LifeIsStrange - 1
Add support of Angular 10
#123 opened by kshilnov - 6
Option to use mobx-angular in AngularDart?
#88 opened by radzish - 13
Support Angular 9.0.0
#112 opened by turansky - 10
Combining multiple stores
#91 opened by yacut - 2
Using remotedev in TODO example
#114 opened by henryruhs - 7
fail to run with angular 9
#116 opened by ronentidhar - 1
Suggestion - remove MobxAutorunSyncDirective
#102 opened by kubk - 12
Importing observable from mobx-angular doesn't allow shallow or other attributes
#92 opened by some1awesome - 4
Support for NG 9
#110 opened by juan-fdz-hawa - 0
Add Prettier
#108 opened by kubk - 4
Typescript error upon app load
#82 opened by CharlieIGG - 10
- 3
mobxAngularDebug(true) disables rxJs stream
#64 opened by roger-gl - 0
Add mobx-state-tree example
#90 opened by yacut - 3
Failed to access local Storage on Devices with local Storage turned off
#67 opened by DanielHabenicht - 1
- 1
How to use mobx with remote data?
#89 opened by mgordic - 5
- 4
Failure with latest Angular
#93 opened by mgechev - 1
[mobx] Incorrect decorator invocation.
#85 opened by gs-trader - 2
Testing component injected with mobx store
#77 opened by ekundayo-ab - 1
how to communicate with other store
#84 opened by Parinyadahmi - 2
Mobx configuration
#74 opened by ssi-hu-tasi-norbert - 1
Is mobx-angular works with angular ^7?
#81 opened by Mooli88 - 6
ViewChild breaks with Mobxautorun
#80 opened by shaunpatterson - 3
Async Example
#78 opened by stephenlautier - 5
- 3
Local Storage access in IE11
#75 opened by mohsenvafa - 1
how to reset store
#73 opened by rameezfsitix - 1
Mobx-angular server side rendering support
#69 opened by IlyaLytvynov - 2
Feature request: @Observer decorator
#70 opened by gevgeny - 0
Unexpected token: Jest testing
#65 opened - 3
mobx-angular 2.1.1 not compatible with mobx 4.0.0 ?
#66 opened by KSSLR