- 0
Lost all of types in <vue-template> when component options wrapped by observer
#109 opened by Kane-Kuroneko - 4
- 1
Is there a way to add mobx to vue plugin component inside Vue.component, Vue.extend install function?
#87 opened by ColtHands - 3
Mobx 6 got `Exception: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined` on COLLECTION
#83 opened by huybuidac - 6
- 8
Mobx6 not working
#73 opened by snapxtp - 18
[RFC] mobx-vue v3
#60 opened by iChenLei - 6
Vue 3 Compatibility
#50 opened by doc987 - 2
#66 opened by wang1057296609 - 3
#54 opened by gregpalaci - 5
Exception when using with mobx-state-tree
#51 opened by bestmazzo - 0
Module Browser Build
#49 opened by doc987 - 2
`observer.js` missing from current dist/package
#48 opened by doriandrn - 0
- 0
- 3
updated hook not called
#28 opened by dmitriyzhirma - 0
Add Documentation re Optimizing Rendering
#36 opened by murraybauer - 8
Thoughts about mobx-vue
#3 opened by nighca - 1
- 36
- 17
Using mobx computed inside vue computed
#11 opened by xrado - 4
- 0
- 1
- 0
Ideas regarding slot related problems
#27 opened by Nemikolh - 5
Issue with NuxtJS Pages
#26 opened by kpdemetriou - 4
- 7
Some doubt
#23 opened by Penggggg - 3
Dev tooling?
#7 opened by ThreeScreenStudios - 2
Need boilerplate projects
#24 opened by suenot - 1
any guide about isomorphic mobx with vue???
#20 opened by cocodrino - 1
store as vue instance prototype
#22 opened by joshua1 - 3
What about Provider decorator?
#21 opened by pgalwa - 8
Most of the tests are failing
#18 opened by snaptopixel - 3
How to make props reactive?
#16 opened by snaptopixel - 5
#17 opened by louisscrew - 4
[Vue warn]: The "data" option should be a function
#14 opened by lvvlan - 2
#8 opened by yee94 - 2
How to enable mobx strict mode?
#13 opened by ethanyou725 - 7
- 1
Compatible with MobX 5
#2 opened by kuitos - 4
meta component
#10 opened by xrado - 3
#9 opened by yee94 - 1
#5 opened by yee94 - 1
- 0
Use Observer instead of Connect decorator
#4 opened by kuitos - 8
Proposal for Official Support
#1 opened by kuitos