MOBZHash shows MD5 or SHA hash values for files, and reports files with identical hashes (which are most likely duplicates).

Primary LanguageVisual Basic


MOBZHash shows MD5 or SHA hash values for files, and reports files with identical hashes (which are most likely duplicates). All documentation can be found at MOBZystems, Home of Tools

In a nutshell:

MOBZHash v1.0.1 (64-bit) by MOBZystems - http://www.mobzystems.com/Tools/MOBZHash


MOBZHash [-v] [-r] [-d] hash-type [file-spec [file-spec ...]]

hash-type: hash type to use. All .NET hash algorihms are supported
           Examples: MD5, SHA1 (default), SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
file-spec: A file name or wildcard. Defaults to all files in current directory

-v: verbose
-r: recursive
-d: find duplicates. Display a list of all files with an identical hash}}

Sample output, showing SHA1 hashes of files in the current directory:

{{5D-BD-3D-03-59-38-DE-C5-B0-7E-E4-78-9A-B1-14-93-6D-2D-E6-68: MOBZHash - Copy.xml
11-F7-84-54-EC-57-63-77-36-F3-EC-EE-23-A7-70-C9-64-3D-FF-3E: MOBZHash.exe
62-16-50-F9-F4-98-E0-7B-0D-BE-00-D2-BE-40-81-E1-2E-8E-EB-4A: MOBZHash.exe.config
71-A9-53-55-10-B0-FD-36-AA-11-1C-C1-80-48-3E-DB-8C-CD-48-BD: MOBZHash.pdb
27-35-2B-A0-E6-80-25-B6-03-38-37-2D-D8-1A-40-D2-B5-B5-5F-21: MOBZHash.vshost.exe
62-16-50-F9-F4-98-E0-7B-0D-BE-00-D2-BE-40-81-E1-2E-8E-EB-4A: MOBZHash.vshost.exe.config
78-20-EE-05-21-0E-10-AA-C4-CD-45-4F-C9-B4-26-F8-0E-6A-07-A2: MOBZHash.vshost.exe.manifest
5D-BD-3D-03-59-38-DE-C5-B0-7E-E4-78-9A-B1-14-93-6D-2D-E6-68: MOBZHash.xml

Output showing files with duplicate hashes:

SHA1 5D-BD-3D-03-59-38-DE-C5-B0-7E-E4-78-9A-B1-14-93-6D-2D-E6-68: 2 files
- MOBZHash - Copy.xml
- MOBZHash.xml
SHA1 62-16-50-F9-F4-98-E0-7B-0D-BE-00-D2-BE-40-81-E1-2E-8E-EB-4A: 2 files
- MOBZHash.exe.config
- MOBZHash.vshost.exe.config