
Mocaccino OS Mate Beta issue after install

Closed this issue · 16 comments

Luet version:

CPU architecture, OS, and Version:
< AMD Ryzen 5 3600 (12) @ 3.6GHz, Mocaccino OS Beta (Mate)>

Describe the bug

To Reproduce
<attempted to make USB install drives with several different pieces of software (etcher, popsicle, etc.>

Expected behavior
<after installing from USB, system should continue booting>


Additional context

@okchaimike62 thanks for the report! can you tell how does far it gets to boot? can you give any screenshot? does it tries to boot into the live environment?

Good Morning mudler!, this happens after an install right before the desktop should appear. I will get you a screenshot ASAP

Can you boot any other Linux on that machine and run this:

lsmod | tail -n +2 | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | xargs modinfo -F firmware

And if that returns any data share it with us?

would also be nice if you could provide us with the output of lspci


I am looking here but can't see your attachments?


@okchaimike62 I found in your log that your system (the one that works) is using firmware from amd that we did not yet include. I changed this in the commit above. As I write this I am generating test iso images that will include this. It would be very interesting to see if this actually fixes the problem.

@okchaimike62 If you scroll down on this page:

You see "artifacts" generated. There you see the test iso images. Would be great if you could test one of these!

Since I suspect your issue has to do with missing firmware and meanwhile fixed some other issues I already released an updated beta.

So no need to grab those -dev iso images I posted earlier.

Good Morning joostruis,
I downloaded the current beta and installed and ended up with same results. I then thought of something. Most of my Arch installs are with the BTRFS file system and not EXT4. I reinstalled the beta with EXT4 and it worked! I have changed things to my preferences and currently writing this from the beta install. I hope this helps...

@jcfrosty see above. Could you help test btrfs install? To my knowledge this should work but apparently there is an issue.

joostruis, i will continue to run the OS through it's paces and trying btrfs installs also. i will let you know if i come across something.

Closing this.