
Project for Graph Theory Course 2017

Primary LanguagePHP

Graph Theory

Djikstra Algorithm Implementation to Determine the Shortest Path in ITS


  • Rahajeng Dwi P
  • Hafara Firdausi
  • Salma Nurkhafidoh
  • Ana Alimatus Zaqiyah


  • PHP programming language for Web development
  • MySQL as DBMS
  • graph.latcoding.com dataset
  • XAMPP as web server
  • phpMyAdmin to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web
  • Windows OS

How to Use

  1. Put this algo_djikstra projects in the web server, e.g. XAMPP (for Windows OS) or another web server.

  2. Create a database in MySQL and import this graph-latcodingcom-20122016_171407.sql dataset.

  3. Open your browser and access localhost:8080/algo_djikstra. Then, click where your location is.

  4. Select the destination.

  5. The web will display the shortest path to the destination.