📁 ft_containers

42 ft_containers subject : C++ containers, easy mode

The standard C++ containers have all a specific usage. To make sure you understand them, let’s re-implement them!

2022.06.22 ~

Mandatory part

Implement the following containers and turn in the necessary .hpp files:

  • vector
    • You don’t have to do the vector specialization.
  • map
  • stack
    • It will use your vector class as default underlying container. But it must still be compatible with other containers, the STL ones included.

You also have to implement:

  • iterators_traits
  • reverse_iterator
  • enable_if
    • Yes, it is C++11 but you will be able to implement it in a C++98 manner. This is asked so you can discover SFINAE.
  • is_integral
  • equal and/or lexicographical_compare
  • std::pair
  • std::make_pair


  • The namespace must be ft.
  • Each inner data structure used in your containers must be logical and justified (this means using a simple array for map is not ok).
  • You cannot implement more public functions than the ones offered in the standard containers. Everything else must be private or protected. Each public function or variable must be justified.
  • All the member functions, non-member functions and overloads of the standard containers are expected.
  • You must follow the original naming. Take care of details.
  • If the container has an iterator system, you must implement it.
  • You must use std::allocator.
  • For non-member overloads, the keyword friend is allowed. Each use of friend must be justified and will be checked during evaluation.
  • Of course, for the implementation of map::value_compare, the keyword friend is allowed.