This is a simple example of how to implement a keyboard shortcut in C# WPF. I couldn't get a lot of code samples on StackOverflow to work so this is just a minimal example of one menu command.
There are three steps to create a keyboard shortcut. The first is to create a RoutedUICommand
(not sure what it does but some explanation here). The next is to create a CommandBinding
that defines what to run when the command is called. The final step is to create a KeyBinding
where we define the keyboard shortcut.
Put the RoutedUICommand
in the window resources.
<RoutedUICommand x:Key="DoSomethingCommand" Text="Do Something" />
Put the CommandBinding
after the Window.Resource
section. RunTest
is a function inside my MainWindow class.
Be sure to put the Window.CommandBindings
after Window.Resources
section in the XAML file. The order matters!
<CommandBinding Command="{StaticResource DoSomethingCommand}" Executed="RunTest" />
This is where we specify the keyboard shortcut for the command.
<KeyBinding Command="{StaticResource DoSomethingCommand}" Key="L" Modifiers="Ctrl" />
At this point, using Ctrl+L
anywhere in the app will cause the RunTest
to be executed.
I will just show how to use it in a menu item.
<MenuItem Header="_Test" Command="{StaticResource DoSomethingCommand}" InputGestureText="Ctrl+L"/>
Notice we are using the command instead of click. Click would also work. To get the menu command on the right hand side, we use the InputGestureText
This is the smallest example with XAML only code to get a keyboard shortcut into a XAML C# program.