- 3
Bug Report: Mochimo block explorer - search for tag returns an unrelated block
#76 opened by jbreeher - 0
Withdrawing funds from exchanges can fail
#81 opened by sputniky - 4
SSL for Wiki page
#42 opened by Stoner19 - 0
- 1
- 1
Adding a history to the accounts
#66 opened - 1
One GPU fails and the whole miner stops.
#28 opened by MCMTunafish - 3
"Labels" use on github issues
#44 opened by Stoner19 - 1
Mochimo 3.0 Suggestion - Increase OP_TF limit
#77 opened by 0rtis - 6
can you mine to the tag?
#55 opened by angryolk - 1
Mask password output in terminal
#70 opened by Stoner19 - 1
Suggestion: When running Mojo.jar "expand" command, expand_size parameter documentation and default value..
#75 opened by jbreeher - 0
- 5
Request: add wallet backup by seed words
#46 opened by angryolk - 2
How to mine SOLO on Windows
#67 opened by jamitahz - 3
crypto/sha256.c: No such file or directory
#68 opened by Vasiliy566 - 2
BoostLib error
#69 opened by Vasiliy566 - 1
Add Mojo binary to releases
#59 opened by Stoner19 - 2
stratum mining
#39 opened by goodthebest - 2
- 7
Wallet->Delete address does nothing
#7 opened by pzmarzly - 3
Can't search for particular blocks on bx explorer in advanced search field
#24 opened by BreganovTheGreat - 2
How to make a GitHub account for the Wiki
#43 opened by Stoner19 - 3
- 8
do not change difficule every block
#48 opened by iDagger - 5
Work overlap in Cuda miner
#47 opened by krypdkat - 2
Mochi Wiki link
#38 opened by Stoner19 - 1
Fix Instructions
#41 opened by AcroTiger - 5
Exit program if eon cannot be performed N times
#32 opened by 0rtis - 1
- 2
- 0
Check solve time in function bval2
#37 opened by 0rtis - 3
Solved.dat not updating correctly.
#31 opened by HazelTheOrphanSlayer - 3
Orphan double Haiku Output Error
#30 opened by HazelTheOrphanSlayer - 3
Slow Resync/Initialisation of a node
#26 opened by chrisdigity - 3
AEON block advances difficulty
#34 opened by HazelTheOrphanSlayer - 1
- 2
Headless Miner Needed for Windows
#25 opened by mochimodev - 4
OSX Wallet fails with dylib not found error
#21 opened by drag0ng - 1
Wallet->Menu 2->Edit address name has cosmetic issue when there was no address generated
#8 opened by pzmarzly - 8
Wallet - Balance Check Failed - V2.0
#16 opened by HazelTheOrphanSlayer - 0
- 1
Share code in raw format
#3 opened by hclivess - 1
Build script displays ambiguous error message despite successful build in UNIXLIKE environments
#1 opened by tim-cotten