
Boiler plate code for Express.js - MongoDB REST API. Includes model and endpoints for user. Authentication using passport and passport-jwt. Available endpoints for user - login, logout, signup, deleteAccount, updateProfile

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Complete basic setup for user

Server made using Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB

Run by typing the following in shell/bash/cmd- npm start


  • User model: firstName, lastName, email, admin. Implements passport-local-mongoose plugin for user
  • Authentication: Uses passport, passport-jwt, passport-local, jsonwebtoken for signup, login
  • Admin/normal user: Authentication has middleware for checking user/admin
  • JWT Blacklisting: To prevent logged out users with valid json web token from accessing their data, there is a blacklist database which stores such valid (but logged out) tokens
  • Cors: Cors middleware to ensure that source is only the white-listed one not any random
  • User operations: Apart from login, signup, logout- there is updateProfile to update name, deleteAccount to delete user from database and log them out

[Note: This was not scaffolded using express-generator]

Additional feature:

  • Clean exit: Press Ctrl+C in the shell/bash/cmd to exit server. Wait for the message: "Server successful shutdown". It may take some time as server finishes any pending tasks