
Consul Demo - Consul service discovery, Consul connect, intentions & service failover between regions

Primary LanguageHCL

Consul Demo

This repo can be used to show Consul service discovery, Consul Connect, intentions and service failover between datacenters (via prepared query)


Demo Variants

  • Single Region - located in terraform/single-region-demo
    • demonstrates: service discovery, Consul Connect, and intentions
  • Multi Region - located in terraform/multi-region-demo
    • demonstrates: service discovery, Consul Connect, intentions and service failover between datacenters using a prepared query

Architecture & Diagrams

A PowerPoint version and larger versions of these diagrams is included in the ./diagrams directory


  • AWS account & credentials
  • AWS Route53 Hosted Zone ID
    • Terraform creates FQDNs for instances & load balancers
  • Terraform version support
    • Terraform CLI 0.11.x - use master branch
    • TFC/TFE - use master or demo branches
      • set Terraform version on workspaces to 0.11.14
    • Terraform CLI > 0.12.4 - use terraform-0.12 branch
  • Consul Enterprise License (Highly Recommended)
    • If not specified - Consul Enterprise demo-binary will shutdown in 30m
    • After no-license shutdown
      • demo will no longer work and terraform destroy will fail
      • fix by rebooting each host (or restart consul service on each host)
        • this re-starts Consul as Open Source Consul


  • AWS AMIs are publicly available in us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1 and us-west-2
  • To customize AMIs view the Packer README

First Time Setup

Deploying with Terraform CLI

  • switch to the directory for the desired demo variant
    • for single region: cd terraform/single-region-demo
    • for multi-region: cd terraform/multi-region-demo
  • Make a copy of the example variables file
    • cp terraform.auto.tfvars.example terraform.auto.tfvars
  • Edit terraform.auto.tfvars and set values as described in comments

Setup Terraform Cloud/Enterprise Workspaces

  • Fork this repo
  • Make a copy of the script reference/setup-tfe-example.sh and name it setup-tfe.sh
    • populate Variables in script
      • configure TFC/TFE organization
      • specify your repo and branch
      • specify workspaces names for single-region-demo and multi-region-demo
        • script sets working directory for each workspace
      • configure other variables - see terraform.auto.tfvars.example for descriptions
  • Run setup-tfe.sh to create TFC/TFE workspaces with VCS connections and populated variables

Multi-Region Demo Notes

The multi-region terraform code uses a post provisioner which requires specifying the AWS ssh keyname & the ssh private key itself (via file reference or as a string). This process is simplified if you push your system's default ssh key (~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) to the AWS regions used with this demo.

  • (OPTIONAL) use script reference/push-ssh-key-to-aws.sh to push local SSH key to every AWS region using AWS CLI
    • edit script and set value of aws_keypair_name and publickeyfile
  • Set Terraform variables (in terraform.auto.tfvars or setup-tfe.sh)
    • ssh_key_name - must exist in both AWS regions (default: us-west-2 & us-east-1)
    • Specify either ssh_pri_key_data or ssh_pri_key_file that refers to private SSH key referenced by ssh_key_name
      • ssh_pri_key_file - file path to the private key (does not work with TFC/TFE)
      • ssh_pri_key_data - contents of private key as data with newlines replaced with \n (required for TFC/TFE)
        • remove newlines with command: awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Demo Script


  • Deploy with Terraform (takes 3-4 minutes)
  • (OPTIONAL) add aliases from Terraform output working_aliases to .bash_profile
    • eliminates need to remove keys from known_hosts before each demo
  • (OPTIONAL) bookmark web URLs specified in Terraform output working connections
  • Edit ~/.ssh/known_hosts and remove entries from previous demos (unless using ssh aliases)
  • Follow instruction in Terraform output working connections
    • Open two URL's in Browser
      • web-page rendered by web_client service
      • Consul UI
  • Verify the all services are running in Consul UI


Explain the three tiers and communications between the services. We are going to start by discussing Service Discovery and Service Registration

Service Discovery

In order for services to be discoverable via Consul, they first must register themselves.

Service Discovery - Service Registration

  • open new terminal tab & connect to MongoDB instance
    • use connection string in terraform output working connections

This instance's Consul client publishes all the services running on it to Consul. In this demo, MongoDB is the only service on this host, so let's review it's config.

  • run ./1-cat-cons-config.sh to display MongoDB service configuration

Explain service config & health check basics. Consul uses this information to build a Service Catalog. Consul monitors health checks to insure only healthy services listed in catalog.

  • (optional) - show service tab on Consul UI, select MondoDB & show service checks
  • you can exit the ssh connection to MongoDB instance

Service Discovery - Overview

Once services are registered, other services can easily discover them. Let's show how the listing service connects to MongoDB.

  • open new terminal tab & connect to listing instance
    • use connection string in terraform output working connections

The listing service is written in NodeJS and isn't Consul aware. It reads the environment variables DB_URL to get MongoDB servers address.

  • run ./1-cat-system.sh to show listing service systemd configuration

It's systemd config set DB_URL Environment Var to mongodb.service.consul.

  • run ./2-dig.sh to show a dns query using dig for all mongodb services

Consul automatically resolves service names via DNS to an IP where mongodb is running. Dig queries Consul via DNS and returns healthy mongodb service.

  • (optional) ping the mongodb service: ping mongodb.service.consul
  • (optional) list services registered with Consul: consul catalog services

Service Discovery - Network Traffic

Service discovery allows service to easily discover and connect to other services. But Network traffic is unencrypted unless services coded with encryption.

  • run ./3-nw-traffic.sh to show network traffic between listing and mongodb
    • Traffic will stream immediately as the connection to mongodb is persistent
    • Watch the traffic and press ctrl-c after you see the database records displayed

Point out that the data including db creds is traversing network in plaintext.

  • Hit Cntl-C to exit network traffic dump
  • you can exit the ssh connection to listing instance

Consul Service Mesh

Next we're going to talk about Consul Service Mesh and some of the enhancements it brings.

You'll notice that the Front Tier and Middle tier have sidecar-proxies. They are configured to communicate via Consul Service Mesh. The Back Tier is configured to only use Service Discovery.

  • open new terminal tab & connect to webclient instance
    • use connection string in terraform output working connections

Consul Service Mesh - Configuration

In the diagram, webclient communicates with listing & product services. Let's show how the webclient service is configured.

  • run ./1-cat-system.sh to show webclient service systemd configuration

Systemd config sets Environment Vars for listing & product to localhost @ unique ports. So how are these local ports re-directed to the proper services? via the proxy.

  • run ./2-cat-cons-config.sh to display webclient service configuration

Describe the connect-sidecar service block. Upstream connections bind a local port to services in Consul. Consul proxies localhost:10001 to product services AND encrypts the traffic. Consul proxies localhost:10002 to listing services AND encrypts the traffic. (Note: product uses "prepared query" to enable failover to other datacenters.)

  • run ./3-dig.sh to show a dns query using dig for all product services
  • (optional) list listing services using dig: dig +short listing.connect.consul srv

Like earlier, this host resolves service names to an IP where product is running. Notice, here we search on servicename.CONNECT.consul instead of .SERVICE.consul. This limits our results to services using Consul Connect.

  • (optional) query mongoDB service using connect dig +short mongodb.connect.consul srv

Nothing returned as the MongoDB services are not configured to use Consul Connect (refer to diagram if necessary).

Consul Service Mesh - Network Traffic

The sidecar proxies use TLS to encrypt communications.

  • run ./4-nw-traffic.sh to show network traffic between webclient and product
  • wait or refresh the web_client web-page to see network traffic

As we can see, the network traffic is TLS encrypted gibberish.

  • Hit Cntl-C to exit network traffic dump
  • you can exit the ssh connection to webclient instance

Consul Service Mesh - Intentions

Intention enable defining specific services that each service can communicate.

  • Show Web Client web page, and point out its communicating with Listing & Product

Now we'll stop all services (that are configured for Service Mesh) from communicating.

  • Open Consul UI and select Intentions tab
    • Create an Intention from * to * of type Deny and click save
  • Show Web Client web page and point out it cannot communicate with Listing or Product services

Lets allow web_client to communicate with the listing service.

  • Switch back to Consul Intentions UI
    • Create Intention from web_client to listing of type Allow and click save
  • Show Web Client web page and point out it can now communicate with Listing

(OPTIONAL) Intentions specify which service can initiate communications.

  • Switch back to Consul Intentions UI
    • Create Intention from product to web_client of type Allow and click save
  • Show Web Client web page and point out the it still cannot communicate with product

Note: web_client cannot talk to product because the intention added allows product to initiate connections to web_client, and not other way around. So, lets add a connection that allows web_client to initiate communications with product.

  • Switch back to Consul Intentions UI
    • Create Intention from web_client to product of type Allow and click save
  • Show Web Client web page and point out both working again

Describe "Scalability of Intentions": If you have 6 web_client instances, 17 listing instances and 23 product instances; you'd have 6 * 17 + 6 * 23 = 240 endpoint combinations to define. These can be replaced with just 2 intention definitions. Another example: If you double the number of backends, you have to add another 240 endpoint combinations. With Intentions, you do nothing because intentions follow the service.

Consul Service Mesh - Summary

Steps required to configure web_client to talk to product via connect

  1. Configure services for Service Mesh
  2. Tell web_client that product service is reachable on localhost ports
  3. Consul Service Mesh handles balancing traffic between 1, 2, 20, 100 healthy instances
  4. Consul Service Mesh encrypts all network traffic
  5. web_client knows nothing about TLS
  6. web_client knows nothing about mutual-TLS authentication
  7. web_client doesn't have to manage certificates, keys, CRLs, CA certs...
  8. web_client simply makes the same simple, unencrypted requests it always has

By configuring product to listen only on localhost, you've reduced the security boundary to individual server instances --- all network traffic is encrypted. Only steps necessary to enable existing application to configure Consul Service Mesh and configure app to communicate to port on localhost.

  1. product knows nothing about TLS
  2. product knows nothing about mutual-TLS authentication
  3. product doesn't have to manage certificates, keys, CRLs, CA certs...
  4. product simply sees simple, unencrypted traffic coming to it

Configuration K/V (OPTIONAL)

Describe how the web_client service has been displaying configuration information from Consul's K/V store.

  • Show Web Client web page, point out Configuration Section
    • the product service reads the Consul K/V store (along with the mongodb records)
    • data returns to web_client and displayed

Datacenter Failover - (MULTI-REGION DEMO ONLY)

Webclient service is configured to use a "prepared query" to find the product service. If every product service in the current DC fails, it looks for the service in other DCs. Additional info on the prepared query can be found in the prepared_query reference

  • Show Web Client web page
    • point out Configuration Section under Product API
    • shows datacenter = dc1

Now we're going to trigger the product service to fail in this datacenter.

  • Open Consul UI and select Key/Value tab (make sure it's in dc1)
    • Click on product folder and value run
    • Change value from true to false
  • Switch to the Consul UI services and watch the product services fail their health checks
    • wait until there are two failures for product and its proxy

Now that the service has failed, let view the webpage.

  • Show Web Client web page & hit refresh
    • point out Configuration Section under Product API
    • now shows datacenter = dc2, as the instance responding is in DC2

Datacenter Failover - Optional Drill-down (MULTI-REGION DEMO ONLY)

  • ssh into any one of the previous servers (in DC1)
  • type dig +short product.connect.consul srv
    • no product services are available in this DC
  • type dig +short product.query.consul srv
    • but by searching the prepared query (as the web_client is doing) shows services in the other datacenter
  • disable the failover by setting the product/run key back to true
    • wait for the services to become active again in DC1
    • type dig +short product.query.consul srv and show how he results have changed back to this DC
    • type dig +short product.connect.consul srv - shows the same results as the query, as all the services in this DC are working