Blockchain Engineer Assignment


This project is originally an assignment for a recruitment process. the goal is to make a stackable token with separate token rewards based on staking time. something similar to bank account interests. The project uses truffle to compile and deploy the smart contracts


The design of the contract is a 3 token contract. StakingFile for managing the staking and stakeholders and the rewards as well. A stakeable token to serve as the token to be staked and the reward Token to serve as the reward for staking for the specified duration.


When developing the smart contracts i used the truffle suite of tools to help with the development and deployment of the contracts.

you can download truffle

$ npm install -g truffle

to deploy the contracts I used ganache as my eth network and node emulator and it is also part of the truffle and suite and can be downloaded from the main truffle web page.


to deploy the smart contracts and execute the deployment script run in the root of the project:

$ truffle deploy

Note: I used solc version 0.8.0 as my compiler


Testing the staking process can be via invoking the smart contract directly from your own scripts or by running the included tests.

to run the tests use the following command :

truffle exec test/testStakingAddStake.js

change the name of the file to whatever test file you want to execute. this way truffle will inject it's tools like artifacts and web3 in the runtime of the exec command