
modAL Demo Project

MIT LicenseMIT

mdAL Demo Project

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This repository contains a demo project showcasing the features of mdAL. mdAL is a Domain Specific Language that enables a Model-Driven approach to extension module development for the ERP System Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. mdAL stands for model-driven AL.

❗ Please note that mdAL currently is targeting Business Central 16 and later.

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This repository holds the following contents:

  • src/seminar-management.mdal: This mdAL model file defines an AL solution for seminar management (cf. Microsoft official training material: Course 80437 — C/SIDE Solution Development in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013). Once opening this file inside VS Code with the mdAL VS Code extension installed you can generate the corresponding AL code by right-clicking inside the model file or using the command palette. After the code generator finished you will find the AL code in the src-gen folder. For more information on the features of the mdAL extension visit the mdal-lang/mdal-extension repository.
  • .github/workflows/build.yml: This GitHub Actions workflow file showcases how mdAL can be used inside a CI/CD pipeline. In this project the mdAL Action has been used to provide standalone AL code generation. On other CI environments you can also use the mdal/cli docker image in order to call the code generator from the command line.

This project is complemented by the repository mdal-lang/mdal-demo-extension which adds e. g. customizations to the generated posting routines through event subscribers.


MIT (c) Jonathan Neugebauer