
Loggy is a remote logger bundle for Laravel. It enables users to forward errors (custom and PHP native) to any remote API.

Primary LanguagePHP


Loggy is a remote error logger/forwarder for custom and native PHP errors. You can forward the errors to your own API. This bundle was made especially to use in combination with an internal error dashboard.


The configuration of this bundle is available at: config/config.php:

return array(
	'api_endpoint' => 'http://api.mysite.com/log',	// the URL of your API endpoint to POST the log items to
	'site_id' => 'my_site', // unique site id 

The api_endpoint is pretty much self-explanatory. The site_id is required for the Loggy Dashboard. This can be anything you want, just make sure it is unique.


Activate the bundle in your application/bundles.php:

return array(
	'loggy' => array('auto' => true),

In your application/config/error.php set the log option to true.

Then in the logger closure, add: Loggy::log($exception);.

Now Loggy will do a POST request to your API endpoint when an error occurs.

The message is formatted as JSON and has the following structure:

	"msg": "<strong>NOTICE<\/strong> Undefined variable: test",
	"site_id": "my_site"
	"line": 123,
	"file": "/path/to/a/file.php",
	"trace": "full trace of error will be here..."

You can do whatever you want at the API side, for example save it in a database and show it in your internal error dashboard. Take a look at my loggy-dashboard repo for an example.