Bayesian method for PRS calculation which is not very sensitive to base/target overlap
# BayesR GWAS Analysis Pipeline
This repository contains an R script for running a BayesR analysis on GWAS summary statistics, calculating polygenic risk scores (PRS), and evaluating these scores with phenotype data.
## Requirements
Make sure you have the following packages installed:
- `devtools`
- `bayesR`
- `data.table`
- `ggplot2`
You can install these packages using the following commands:
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("devtools")
install.packages(c("data.table", "ggplot2"))
First, load the GWAS summary statistics and prepare the data for BayesR:
# Load GWAS summary statistics
gwas_data <- fread("path/to/your/gwas_summary_stats.txt")
# Prepare GWAS data for BayesR
gwas_data <- gwas_data[, .(SNP = rsid, A1 = effect_allele, A2 = other_allele,
N = sample_size, Z = effect_size / standard_error)]
# Write prepared GWAS data to a file
fwrite(gwas_data, "prepared_gwas_data.txt", sep = "\t")
Specify the genotype file and run the BayesR analysis:
# Set up BayesR parameters
genofile <- "path/to/your/genotype_data" # PLINK binary format (.bed/.bim/.fam)
summaryfile <- "prepared_gwas_data.txt"
outfile <- "bayesR_output"
# Run BayesR
bayesR(genofile = genofile,
summaryfile = summaryfile,
outfile = outfile,
n = max(gwas_data$N), # Sample size
maf = 0.01, # Minor allele frequency threshold
thread = 4, # Number of threads to use
S = c(0, 0.01, 0.1, 1),# Variance components
pi = c(0.95, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01), # Prior probabilities for each component
chain_length = 10000, # Total number of MCMC iterations
burn_in = 2000, # Number of burn-in iterations
thin = 5) # Thinning interval
Load the BayesR results and calculate the PRS:
# Load BayesR results
effects <- fread(paste0(outfile, ".betas"))
# Calculate PRS
prs <- calculatePRS(genofile, effects)
# Save PRS
fwrite(data.table(IID = prs$IID, PRS = prs$PRS),
"bayesian_prs_results.txt", sep="\t")
If you have phenotype data, you can merge it with the PRS and perform logistic or linear regression analysis:
# If you have phenotype data, you can evaluate the PRS
pheno <- fread("path/to/your/phenotype_data.txt")
combined_data <- merge(pheno, prs, by="IID")
# For binary outcome
logistic_model <- glm(phenotype ~ PRS, data=combined_data, family="binomial")
# For continuous outcome
linear_model <- lm(phenotype ~ PRS, data=combined_data)
Use ggplot2
to visualize the distribution of PRS and its relationship with the phenotype:
# Plot PRS distribution
ggplot(combined_data, aes(x=PRS, fill=as.factor(phenotype))) +
geom_density(alpha=0.5) +
theme_minimal() +
labs(title="PRS Distribution by Phenotype",
x="Polygenic Risk Score",
# Plot PRS vs phenotype (for continuous phenotype)
ggplot(combined_data, aes(x=PRS, y=phenotype)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method="lm") +
theme_minimal() +
labs(title="PRS vs Phenotype",
x="Polygenic Risk Score",