
Lean models of Rust libraries

Primary LanguageLeanApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Lean models of various functions and data types from Rust libraries to facilitate Lean-based verification of Rust programs.


This library is intended to be used for verifying Rust programs via Lean. It defines equivalent Lean versions of functions from the Rust standard library.

The Lean definitions are based on the description of the Rust functions, which is published at https://doc.rust-lang.org/std.

The library includes:

  • Definitions of Lean functions equivalent to those from the Rust standard library
  • Proofs that these definitions are consistent with the description of the Rust functions
  • Supporting lemmas and theorems for proof construction


  • Add the following lines to your lakefile.lean:

    require «rust-lean-models» from git "https://github.com/model-checking/rust-lean-models"

  • Change the lean version in your lean-toolchain to the one in lean-toolchain

  • Run lake update in the terminal.

  • Import the packages and open the namespaces in your Lean files (see ProofTutorial.lean)

    import RustLeanModels.Basic
    import RustLeanModels.RustString
    open RustString
    open Iterator


Translating a Rust program

Replace the Rust built-in functions that are used in your code with the corresponding Lean function in this library.

Tables in RustString.md and Iterators.md give the mapping from Rust types and functions to their Lean equivalents.

Proof Tutorial

We demonstrate the applications of the library and some proof techniques for string programs in ProofTutorial.lean. This tutorial shows the correctness of two simple programs that compute the longest common prefix and longest common substring of the two strings. More examples can be found in ProofExample.lean.


Recursive function definitions

For each Rust function, we provide a recursive Lean function. Implementing the equivalent functions in Lean recursively enables users to construct induction proofs conveniently. The Lean function has the same name as the Rust original, except when the Rust name clashes with a Lean keyword. In case of a clash, a Rust function func_name is renamed to rust_func_name in Lean.

Implementing a function recursively may requires some extra parameters. In those cases, we first define an auxiliary function (name: func_name_aux) which is defined recursively with the extra parameters, then we define the function func_name based on the auxiliary function with initial values for the parameters. For example, char_indices is defined based on char_indices_aux as

def char_indices (s: Str) := char_indices_aux s 0

For Rust functions that use the Rust Pattern type, we implement two recursive sub-functions (name: func_name_char_filter and func_name_substring) that replace the Pattern type in the input with either a char filter (of typeChar → Bool) or a string (of type List Char). Then we define the function func_name based on these two sub-functions by matching the input of Pattern type. For example, split is defined by two sub-functions split_char_filter and split_substring as:

def split (s: Str) (p: Pattern) := match p with
| Pattern.SingleChar c => split_char_filter s (fun x => x = c)
| Pattern.ListChar l => split_char_filter s (fun x => x ∈ l)
| Pattern.FilterFunction f => split_char_filter s f
| Pattern.WholeString s1 => split_substring s s1

All recursive implementations are proven to be "correct" in the sense that they are consistent with the descriptions of the Rust versions (see below for more details).

Correctness Proofs

For functions that return Bool or can be defined based on other functions that have already been proven correct

  • First, we provide a variant Lean definition of the Rust function that we call the definitional version (with name func_name_def). This version is intended to match the documented description of the Rust function. Ideally, the definitional version should not contain recursion, except in some trivial cases, but it can make use of the recursive versions of other functions that have been previously proven correct.

  • Then, we state and prove a theorem that shows that the recursive and definitional versions of Rust function func_name are equivalent. This equivalence theorem is called func_name_EQ and it has type func_name = func_name_def. The theorem ensures that the function is implemented correctly and allows the two versions to be used interchangeably. In some cases, constructing a non-induction proof using the definitional version is more convenient.

  • For example, the function is_char_boundary has a definitional version:

    def is_char_boundary_def (s: Str) (i: Nat) := i ∈ ListCharPos s ∨  i = byteSize s

    a recursive definition:

    def is_char_boundary (s: Str) (i: Nat) := match s with
    | [] => i == 0
    | h::t => if i = 0 then true else
        if i < Char.utf8Size h then false else is_char_boundary t (i - Char.utf8Size h)

    and an equivalence theorem

    theorem is_char_boundary_EQ : is_char_boundary s p =  is_char_boundary_def s p

When the description of a Rust function cannot be efficiently expressed in Lean (requires recursions, or is unintuitive), we can:

  • Define the definitional version (similar to Case 1) based on a recursive trivial function, then prove the equivalence theorem. For example, the byteSize_def function is based on the function sum_list_Nat that computes the sum of a list of natural numbers:

    def sum_list_Nat (l : List Nat) := List.foldl Nat.add 0 l`
    def byteSize_def (s : List Char) : Nat := sum_list_Nat (List.map (fun x: Char => Char.utf8Size x) s)
  • Define and prove the correctness of one/some subordinate function(s), then define the definitional version based on them. For example, to define split_inclusive_char_filter_def, we first define and prove the correctness of two functions:

    • list_char_filter_charIndex (s: Str) (f: Char → Bool): returns the list of positions of characters in s satisfying the filter f

    • split_at_charIndex_list (s: Str) (l: List Nat): splits the strings s at positions in l

    then we define split_inclusive_char_filter_def as follows:

    def split_inclusive_char_filter_def (s: Str) (f: Char → Bool) :=
        split_at_charIndex_list s (List.map (fun x => x+1) (list_char_filter_charIndex s f))

When the Rust documentation describes properties of the return value

We state and prove a soundness theorem for the function with name: func_name_sound and type: x = func_name input1 input2 ... ↔ properties of x.

For example, the soundness theorem for the function floor_char_boundary defined as:

def floor_char_boundary_aux (s: Str) (i: Nat) (k: Nat): Nat := match s with
  | [] => k
  | h::t => if i < Char.utf8Size h then k else floor_char_boundary_aux t (i - Char.utf8Size h) (k + Char.utf8Size h)

def floor_char_boundary (s: Str) (i: Nat) := floor_char_boundary_aux s i 0


theorem floor_char_boundary_sound:  flp = floor_char_boundary s p
      ↔ (is_char_boundary s flp) ∧ (flp ≤ p) ∧ (∀ k, ((is_char_boundary s k) ∧ (k ≤ p)) → k ≤ flp )
  • The soundness theorem should cover all the properties in the Rust documentation.
  • We make some minor/trivial adjustments when needed to express the properties in Lean.
  • The modus ponens (→) direction of the theorem is enough to ensure the correctness of the recursive version if the properties in the right-hand-side ensure that the function in the left-hand-side is deterministic.
  • The modus ponens reverse (←) direction ensures that we stated enough properties in right-hand-side such that it can be satisfied by only one function.

If the function returns an option, we separately state and prove two soundness theorems for the two cases of the return value: func_name_none_sound and func_name_some_sound. For example:

theorem split_at_none_sound : split_at s p = none ↔ ¬ ∃ s1, List.IsPrefix s1 s ∧ byteSize s1 = p
theorem split_at_some_sound : split_at s p = some (s1, s2) ↔ byteSize s1 = p ∧ s = s1 ++ s2

For functions involving the Pattern type, we separately state and prove two equivalent/soundness theorems for the two sub-functions discussed previously (func_name_char_filter_EQ and func_name_substring_EQ) or (func_name_char_filter_sound and func_name_substring_sound). For example:

theorem contains_char_filter_EQ : contains_char_filter s f  = contains_char_filter_def s f
theorem contains_substring_EQ : contains_substring s p  = contains_substring_def s p


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.