
docker images for training, mining and infer for ymir

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docker image finetune tensorboard args/cfg options framework onnx pretrained weights
yolov4 ? ✔️ darknet + mxnet local
yolov5 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ pytorch ✔️ local+online
yolov7 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ pytorch local+online
mmdetection ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ pytorch local+online
detectron2 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ pytorch online
vidt ? ✔️ ✔️ pytorch online
nanodet ✔️ ✔️ pytorch_lightning local+online
  • online pretrained weights may download through network

  • local pretrained weights have copied to docker images when building image


  • training dataset: voc2012-train 5717 images
  • validation dataset: voc2012-val 5823 images
  • image size: 640

gpu: single Tesla P4

docker image batch size epoch number model voc2012 val map50 training time note
yolov5 16 100 yolov5s 70.05% 9h coco-pretrained
vidt 2 100 swin-nano 54.13% 2d imagenet-pretrained
yolov4 4 20000 steps yolov4 66.18% 2d imagenet-pretrained
yolov7 16 100 yolov7-tiny 70% 8h coco-pretrained

gpu: single GeForce GTX 1080 Ti

docker image image size batch size epoch number model voc2012 val map50 training time note
yolov4 608 64/32 20000 steps yolov4 72.73% 6h imagenet-pretrained
yolov5 640 16 100 yolov5s 70.35% 2h coco-pretrained
yolov7 640 16 100 yolov7-tiny 70.4% 5h coco-pretrained
mmdetection 640 16 100 yolox_tiny 66.2% 5h coco-pretrained
detectron2 640 2 20000 steps retinanet_R_50_FPN_1x 53.54% 2h imagenet-pretrained
nanodet 416 16 100 nanodet-plus-m_416 58.63% 5h imagenet-pretrained

how to import pretrained model weights


object detection

semantic segmenation

instance segmentation
