
Operate on bvictor

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status codecov

  • Node 8.x and later
  • Global npm & npx

Install & Run

As normal Node.js application install by npm ci to use package-lock.json.

Run app by npm start.

View the app by default under http://localhost:3000

By default app is using https://www.betvictor.com upstream, and in-memory cache.


By default app uses in-memory cache. To configure redis cache please run instance e.g. by docker run --name betvictor-redis --rm -d -p 6379:6379 redis, and then start app by npm run start:redis-local.

After correct installation you should see log bet-victor:sports-live:redis:db Connected to Redis: localhost:6379.

If you configure app to use redis, but provide failing, or invalid configuration, app will exit after 5 seconds. For production, that time should be adjust gracefully by giving enough amount of time to re-establish connection to redis.

Run as Docker

To run this app as a docker service please follow instructions:

$ docker build -t bvictor . 
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 -d --name bvictor bvictor

After these two you should get up & running application on http://docker-machine-ip:3000

How to run on Heroku

Prerequisite: heroku account andheroku-cli

$ heroku apps:create --region=eu  --addons=heroku-redis:hobby-dev [app_name] 
$ heroku config:set CACHE_ENGINE=redis
$ heroku git:remote -r [remote_name] -a [app_name] 
$ git push [remote_name] master

Your app should be accesible under https://[app_name].herokuapp.com


Using browser application will take Accept header and respond with 'non styled' html pages, with basic navigation. To get JSON output, change Accept header to application/json or change your client to e.g. Postman, curl -H "Accept: application/json".


Travis: https://travis-ci.org/modelga/bvictor

Codecov: https://codecov.io/gh/modelga/bvictor