
Primary LanguageScala


  • Scala 2.13
  • Java 8
  • SBT 1.2.8

Build/Assembly (fat-jar)

To build the application run sbt assembly Then jar will be accessible under ./target/scala-2.13/search.jar


To run the application you have to build it first or run via sbt sbt run

First argument - directory is required Last argument (not necessarily second) - override default Classifier

Rich example: java -jar ./target/scala-2.13/search.jar ./dataset simple-ci

To exit from the app type .exit in prompt.

Run tests

To run tests type sbt tests

Accessible algoritgms

  • simple - Classifier that matches if query is a part of the file name
  • simple-ci - Same as above but case insensitive
  • split - Splits the query and filenames by " " then compare it as simple-ci
  • levenshtein - levenshtein distance calculation