
Modelhub repository for the BraTS 2018 Challenge Model by Richard McKinley (GPU)

Primary LanguagePython


This repository hosts the contributor source files for the deepscan-brats model. ModelHub integrates these files into an engine and controlled runtime environment. A unified API allows for out-of-the-box reproducible implementations of published models. For more information, please visit www.modelhub.ai or contact us info@modelhub.ai.


This model needs a GPU to run. Please follow the quickstart instructions for GPU on our website to find out how to set up your system: Quickstart Docs


id 20fb032f-7a5b-4a2b-9ab8-367ee53030ea
application_area Medical Imaging, Segmentation
task Brain Tumor Segmentation
task_extended Brain tumor segmentation for the BraTS 18 challenge
data_type Nifti-1 volumes
data_source www.braintumorsegmentation.org


title Ensembles of Densely-Connected CNNs with Label-Uncertainty for Brain Tumor Segmentation
source International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop
url https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-11726-9_40
year 2018
authors Richard McKinley, Raphael Meier, Roland Wiest
abstract We introduce a new family of classifiers based on our previous DeepSCAN architecture, in which densely connected blocks of dilated convolutions are embedded in a shallow U-net-style structure of down/upsampling and skip connections. These networks are trained using a newly designed loss function which models label noise and uncertainty. We present results on the testing dataset of the Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge 2018.
google_scholar https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_ylo=2018&q=Ensembles+of+densely-connected+CNNs+with+label-uncertainty+for+brain+tumor+segmentation&btnG=
bibtex @inproceedings{mckinley2018ensembles,title={Ensembles of densely-connected CNNs with label-uncertainty for brain tumor segmentation},author={McKinley, Richard and Meier, Raphael and Wiest, Roland},booktitle={International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop},pages={456--465},year={2018},organization={Springer}}


description Densely-Connected CNNs
architecture CNN
learning_type Supervised
format .pth.tar
I/O model I/O can be viewed here
license model license can be viewed here


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