Data Drift over Time Monitor

This metrics model calculates data drift between two data sets using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) 2-sample t-test for each feature that is identified as a "drift candidate". It can be used for testing or on-going monitoring, where typically the first data set is the training or baseline data set, and the second data set is the hold-out or production data set.

The output of this monitor is:

  • Table of Features that have failed the Drift test, according to the threshold set
  • Line graph of the Data drift per Day per feature, using the predictionDateColumn

Input Assets

Type Number Description
Baseline Data 1 The Baseline or Training data set
Comparator Data 1 The Hold-out or Production data set to compare against the Baseline_Data

Job Parameters

  • (Optional) predictionDateColumn: this is the name of the column in the data set that identifies the specific prediction date. It can be used for calculating the drift per feature PER DAY. If this value is not provided, then the drift monitor will calculate drift per feature across the entire data set
  • (Optional) ksThreshold: the specific KS p-value above which the monitor will detect a potential drift has occurred. The monitor will default to 0.05 if this job parameter is not provided.

Assumptions & Requirements

  • Underlying BUSINESS_MODEL being monitored has a job json asset.
  • Input data contains at least one numerical column or one categorical column.


  1. init function accepts the job json asset and validates the input schema (corresponding to the BUSINESS_MODEL being monitored).
  2. metrics function instantiates the Data Drift Monitor class and uses the job json asset to determine the numerical_columns and/or categorical_columns accordingly.
  3. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov data drift test is run.
  4. Test result is returned under the list of data_drift_ks tests.