
Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Supabase GeoDB


  • Supabase GeoDB is uses PostgreSQL's PostGIS and plv8 extensions in Supabase to store/fetch records.
  • Currently it supports querying for records within given radius of a point, features can be further extended (Reference https://postgis.net/docs/using_postgis_dbmanagement.html)
  • This project is intended be used as a boilerplate for Business listing applications, real estate applications, local dating apps, Local socialising applications etc.,

Project setup

Database Setup

  • After creating databse in supabase, go to Extneions and enable plv8 and PostGIS extensions.
  • Run 'create_geo_table.sql' to create a new table, This cannot be done from supabase's GUI as the Geography datatypes are not available in the dropdown.
  • Then click on new Query and copy the contents of get_listings.plv8 into IDE and click on "Run", You will see the following output.
Success. No rows returned

Creating table

CREATE TABLE table_name (
    name VARCHAR(64),
    location GEOGRAPHY(POINT,4326),
    coords varchar(64),
    created_at date,
    updated_at date,

Geo Query with plv8

create or replace function get_listings(radius int, point text) 
returns setof all_locations as $$

    var json_result = plv8.execute(
    "SELECT * FROM all_locations WHERE ST_DWithin(location, $1::geometry, $2)", [point, radius]

    return json_result;
$$ language plv8;

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.