
Azure Cosmos DB helper Scripts

Primary LanguageShell

Azure Cosmos DB Scripts for Dev

This repo contains helpful scripts which are useful when developing against Azure Cosmos DB Service.


  1. bash
  2. azure-cli (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli)

Note: I use this on MacOS. It should work on non-MacOS environment too, but I have only used and tested this on MacOS.

clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/moderakh/azure-cosmosdb-scripts-dev.git
cd azure-cosmosdb-scripts-dev

(import-emulator-cert-to-java-trust-store.sh) Import Emulator Self Sign cert in MacOS or Linux

Start the emulator

run command targetting emulator cooridanates to import cert

bash import-emulator-cert-to-java-trust-store.sh --host localhost --port 8081

(az_delete_cosmosdb_databases.sh) Delete all databases in dev cosmos db account or emulator:

az_delete_cosmosdb_databases.sh can be used to delete all databases in an Azure Cosmos DB account or Cosmos DB emaultor.

Delete databases on emulator:

If you are a oh-my-zsh user, you need to invoke the script with "bash" as following (don't use oh-my-zsh directly):

bash az_delete_cosmosdb_databases.sh -e

This assumes emulator is accessable on "". If you have emulator reachable on different IP pass that here.

Delete databases in Azure Cosmos DB cloud:

make sure you have logged in with azure-cli, otherwise run the following command:

az login

to delete all the databases within your azure cosmosdb account, run the following command:

bash az_delete_cosmosdb_databases.sh -s YOUR_SUB_NAME -g YOUR_RESOURCE_GROUP -n YOUR_COSMOSDB_ACCOUNT_NAME