Selective activation and expansion of regulatory T cells using lipid encapsulated mRNA encoding a long-acting IL-2 mutein

This repo contains code and data associated with single-cell RNA-seq experiments performed in our publication "Selective activation and expansion of regulatory T cells using lipid encapsulated mRNA encoding a long-acting IL-2 mutein" by Picciotto et al., 2022.

The manuscript has been accepted for publicatoion in Nature Communications as of March 2022. If you use any of the data or custom code associated with this repository or our paper, please cite our work:

Picciotto, S., Devita, N., Hsiao, C.J., Honan, C., Tse, S., Nguyen, M., Ferrari, J., Zheng, W., and Wipke, B. Selective activation and expansion of regulatory T cells using lipid encapsulated mRNA encoding a long-acting IL-2 mutein. Accepted for publication in Nature Communications (March 2022).

Who to contact about code and data: