
Any Remote Script I find will be posted here as a resource to all Live9 Py scripters. Not all of these work, but there needs to be a dumping ground for all work, good and bad, to help research. I am hardly a py expert, but I do okay. We are woking on the next Ableton Control Surface Web App for Live 9. Please contact us if you would like to help. We are on Py/Django if that is your poison. Additional Perspective : Live's API is not documented, not supported, and all of these scripts fall under dubious licensing. If Julien can decomplie and post the Live9 framework as a Certifed trainer I think we can all get along as coders and try to help out the cause. No one should be holding their cards too close to their chest, we need to collaborate as Ableton is quite a ways out from opening this up to real documentation.

Primary LanguagePython

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