This is my collection of Python Programs.
For python tutorials, visit my website:
Omkar Pathak,
Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Sorting Algorithms
- Selection Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Counting Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Shell Sort
- Heap Sort
Searching Algorithms
Data Structures
Simple Games in Python
- Class Definition
- Instance Methods
- Instance Attributes
- Constructor (init)
- Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Private Variables
- Magic Methods
- Simple Binary Tree
- Binary Search Tree
- Depth First Traversal
- Breadth First Traversal
- Count Leaf Nodes
- Building Tree from Preorder and Inorder
- Print all the paths to leaf nodes
- Graph
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- Detect Cycle in Directed Graph
- Detect Cycle in Undirected Graph
- Topological Sort
- Prim's Algorithm
- Create Multiple Folders
- Count files
- Get File sizes
- Find if a file exists
- Folder organization
- Get Dictionary Meaning
- Sending Mail
- Counting Number of Words
- Birthday Reminder
- Script to download tutorial from tutorials point
- Script to check email in your terminal
- Script to find devices connected to Network
- Script to create metadata for a file
Python Concepts
- Variable Scope
- List Methods
- Closures
- More on Closures
- Decorators
- More on Decorators
- List Comprehensions
- Python Generators
- Introduction and Basics of Numpy
- Numpy Data Types
- Numpy Array Attributes
- Generate Numpy array from various numerical ranges
- Numpy Array Manipulation operations
- Numpy String Functions
- Numpy Mathematical Functions
- Numpy Arithmetical Operations
Mini Projects
- Address Book With Add, Modify, Search.
- Simple Python Keylogger
Random Python Programs
- OS Module
- Logging
- JSON Module
- Argument Parser
- CSV Module
- Pickle Module
- Hashing Finding a Hash of a file.
- Cipher Text Encrypting and decrypting a message based on some key specified by the user.
- Factorial Finding the factorial of a number using recursion.
- Fibonacci Finding the fibonaaci series upto a certain number using recursion.
- Count Characters Count the number(frequency) of Characters in a given sentence or string.
- Pattern Implementation of various Patterns using Python.
- LCM Finding the LCM using Python.
- Palindrome Check whether the given string is palindrome or not.
- Isogram Word or Phrase without a repeating letter
- Pangram A sentence containing every letter of the alphabet
- Anagram Rearranging of words or phrase to produce a new word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once
- Perfect Number Check if the given number is a perfect number
- Pascal Triangle Implementation of Pascal Triangle
- Sieve Of Erathosthenes One of the efficient algorithms to find all the prime numbers upto n, where n can be upto 10 million
- Reverse the words Reversing the order of WORDS in a sentence
- Python Progress bar A simple progress bar helpful for showing the progress of a download
- Python unittest Module A Python module for writing test cases
- Python Lambda Function An example of Python Lambda function
- Python Encryption example using RSA Algorithm Encryption/ Decryption using RSA Algorithm
- Python ftplib A simple Python FTP file transfer example
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