Framework scan your Swift code to get source code info.
- Classes (see
), protocols (seeProtokol
) with properties:- Name
- Parent Class
- Annotations (see
, for annotations format see below) - Properties (see
)- Name
- Type (see
, supported types listed below) - Annotations (see
) - Property Type (
, seeProperty.constant
) - Nullability (see
- Class Methods (see
)- Name
- Annotations (see
) - Return Type (see
) - Method body (see
) - Arguments (see
)- Name
- Internal Name
- Type
- Nullability
- Annotations (see
Every model class (Annotation, Argument, Klass, Method, Property, Typê, Protokol, SourceCodeFile, SourceCodeLine
) support ==
operator (protocol Equatable
) and property description
(protocol CustomStringConvertible
Entry point for using framework — Compiler
class gives you initializer with verbose
argument (Bool
let compiler = Compiler(verbose: true)
argument enables debug mode, so you can check check successfully recognized models in warnings with readable description.
uses SourceCodeFile
models as input. Every instance of SourceCodeFile
should include full path filename
and source code lines
Source code line (SourceCodeLine
) is object and has full path filename
, line number (lineNumber
) and source line (line
Source code files converts into String
objects and then to SourceCodeFile
let file = SourceCodeFile(filename: "Account.swift", contents: "...")
While compiler parse sources it can throw exception CompilerMessage
. It just print(compilerMessage)
and message will be displayed in Xcode issue navigator.
do {
return try Compiler(verbose: debugMode).compile(file: code)
} catch let error as CompilerMessage {
} catch {
// nothing to do
Framework will ignore specific file if it contains @ignore
annotation in any place. See below more about annotations.
Next you can see source code that describes supported syntax
for current framework version.
There are several rules, that compiler follows, and you need
to follow them.
1. Source code shouldn't include unnecessary spaces
and empty lines. Compiler separate words by spaces and
new line symbols.
For example JSONParser<Model> is one word for compiler.
2. Compiler works with strings. If variable and its type are
on different lines – that type won't be recognized.
3. Declarations should be on different lines,
for instance function name and its arguments.
4. Implicit type for variables is better.
5. Compiler works with words class, protocol,
var, let, func и init, and braces {}, (), [], colons
and arrow ->.
It's recommended to use current syntax for braces
in classes, methods and others.
Entities should be declared in separate files.
Entity can be class or protocol (keyword class or protocol).
Compiler ignores access control keywords.
Compiler consider parent by having colon in declaration line.
If a class inherits another class and conforms to some protocols,
parent is first word after colon.
Class content begins with {
This brace can be on the same line with class declaration.
If { is inside block comment /** ... */, it'll be ignored.
Class content ends with }
This curly brace also should be outside block comment /** .. */
Compiler uses scope restricted by curly braces.
If compiler meets {, current scope is incremented.
If compiler meets }, current scope is decremented.
Any deep scope is considered as function body and other syntax parts.
Keywords var, let, func and others are ignored for this scope.
@documentation omg!
public class Entity: CoreDAO.Entity {
name = Entity
parent = CoreDAO.Entity
annotations = [
{ name = documentation; value = omg! }
Entity Identifier.
@json id
var id: Int
name = id
type = .IntType
mandatory = true
constant = false
annotations = [
{ name = json; value = id }
Entity name.
let name = "Entity"
name = name
type = .StringType
mandatory = true
constant = true
annotations = []
Entity property with getter and setter.
Curly braces syntax is the same as for functions.
var creationDate: Date?
get {
return nil
set(newDate) {
// nothing
name = creationDate
type = .DateType
mandatory = false
constant = false
annotations = [
{ name = sleep; value = nil }
override init(
id entityId: Int, // @id
creationDate: Date?
self.creationDate = creationDate = entityId
super.init(id: entityId, creationDate: creationDate)
name = "init"
returnType = .ObjectType("Self")
annotations = []
arguments = [
name = id
bodyName = entityId
type = .IntType
mandatory = true
annotations = [{ name = id; value = nil }]
name = creationDate
bodyName = creationDate
type = .DateType
mandatory = false
annotations = []
Next types are supported:
Also next collections and objects are supported:
.DateType // variable: Date()
.DataType // variable: Data()
.ObjectType(name: String) // variable: Name()
.ArrayType(item: Typê) // variable: [Item]()
.MapType(pair: (key, value: Typê)) // variable: [Key:Value]
Enum Typê
conforms protocol CustomStringConvertible
let type: Typê = ...
let message: String = "Type is \(type)"
.BoolType => "Bool"
.IntType => "Int"
.FloatType => "Float"
.DoubleType => "Double"
.StringType => "String"
.DateType => "Date"
.DataType => "Data"
.ObjectType(Name) => "Name"
.ArrayType(Item) => "[Item]"
.MapType(pair) => "[pair.key : pair.value]"
Annotations for members are inside comments.
Compiler can recognize annotations from inline comments // text
and block comments:
var name: String
Other syntax is not supported.
Important! Nearest from the top comment will be applied for any element in source code without documentation.
This comment will be applied for propertyOne И propertyTwo.
var propertyOne: Int = 1
let propertyTwo: String = "ABC"
Annotations will be recognized by symbol @
in comment:
@name Operator
Every annotation should inclide name, and optional value. Name and value can't include spaces and new line symbols.
Above you can see annotations ignore
and name
, symbol @
is not included in annotation name.
For function atguments are limitations: annotations should be inside inline comment for argument and arguments should be on different lines.
If you need several annotations in one line, it's recommended to use format @annotation value
with non-optional value.
Correct syntax:
public override init(
name: String, // @json name
familyName: String // @json family_name @mandatory _
public func make(firstName name: String, // @json
lastName familyName: String // @json