Arri Server

This project was created by arri init. View details at


arri dev
arri build

Viewing All Procedures

You can view all server rpcs by visiting the /__definition endpoint. This can be customized in the ArriApp constructor options using the rpcRoutePrefix and rpcDefinitionPath options.

Adding Procedures

Create new RPCs in the ./src/procedures directory by adding .rpc.ts files. This behavior can be configured in the arri.config.ts using the procedureDir and procedureGlobPatterns options.

Server Code:

// ./src/procedures/sayHello.rpc.ts
import { defineRpc } from "arri";
import { a } from "arri-validate";

export default defineRpc({
    params: a.object({
        name: a.string(),
    response: a.object({
        message: a.string(),
    handler({ params }) {
        return {
            message: `Hello ${}`,
// ./src/procedures/users/createUser.rpc.ts
import { defineRpc } from "arri";
import { a } from "arri-validate";

export default defineRpc({
    params: a.object({
        name: a.string(),
        email: a.string(),
    response: a.object({
        id: a.string(),
        name: a.string(),
        email: a.string(),
    handler({ params }) {
        return {
            id: getRandomId(),

Generated Client Code:

await client.sayHello({
    name: "John",
await client.users.createUser({
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "",

Manually Adding Procedures

If you don't want to use the file-based router you can also manual add RPCs like so:

Using the ArriApp instance

import { ArriApp } from "arri";
import { a } from "arri-validate";

const app = new ArriApp();

app.rpc("sayHello", {
    params: a.object({
        name: a.string(),
    response: a.object({
        message: a.string(),
    handler({ params }) {
        return {
            message: `Hello ${}`,

export default app;

Using a router

import { ArriApp, ArriRouter } from "arri";
import { a } from "arri-validate";

const app = new ArriApp();
const router = new ArriRouter();

router.rpc("sayHello", {
    params: a.object({
        name: a.string(),
    response: a.object({
        message: a.string(),
    handler({ params }) {
        return {
            message: `Hello ${}`,


export default app;

Adding Non-RPC Routes

For miscellaneous API endpoints you can do the following:

// using the app instance
    path: "/status",
    method: "get",
    handler(event) {
        return "ok";

// using a router instance
    path: "/status",
    method: "get",
    handler(event) {
        return "ok";

These routes will not be listed in the __definition.json file and will be ignored by code generators.