
The following sample runs a web server on port 8080 and captures images every 5 seconds.

  1. Save the script as 'snapshot.py' at the root of the /home directory.
  2. Make 'snapshot.py' executable with 'chmod +x snapshot.py'.
  3. Run the script from the /home directory: './snapshot.py' or on boot using the '@reboot' cron directive.
  4. Access the latest snapshot using a web browser like this: "http://localhost:8080/latest.jpg". Replace with the IP address or the domain name of the tiny web server to access the snapshot server remotely.
  5. 'snapshot.py' attempts to load the image capture settings for a file named 'snapshot.txt' if it is present in the '/home' directory. If it does not exist, the script uses default settings as defined in the 'DefaultPictureSettings' variable in the script.
  6. Ensure that the security settings on the 'snapshot.txt' and 'snapshot.py' files restrict access to the intended user / user group.

[nwazet Open Source Software & Open Source Hardware
Authors: Fabien Royer & Bertrand Le Roy