
Apply a "tutorial screen" overlay to your application window.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


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Apply a "tutorial screen" overlay to your application window. MDCFocusView can apply a focus on an arbitrary number of views, and prevents users from tapping views not currently focused on.

Check out a demo on Vimeo.

How to Use

You can install the project using Cocoapods, by placing pod MDCFocusView in your Podfile. After installing:

// Initialize MDCFocusView and customize its background color
MDCFocusView *focusView = [MDCFocusView new];
focusView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.0f green:0.0f blue:0.0f alpha:0.8f];

// Register a MDCFocalPointView subclass to "wrap" focal points
focusView.focalPointViewClass = [MDCSpotlightView class];

// Add any number of custom views to MDCFocusView
[focusView addSubview:[self buildLabel]];

// Present the focus view
[self.focusView focus:someView, anotherView, nil];

Please see the sample app for an example.


  • Because MDCFocusView uses MDCFocalPointView to wrap focal points, it is highly extensible--to create your own focus effect, simply subclass MDCFocalPointView and implement any custom drawing behavior in drawRect:. Please see MDCSpotlightView for an example.

Limitations (or Ways to Contribute to this Project)

  • Currently MDCFocusView can only be applied to the entire application window. Ideally, any arbirary view should be able to add MDCFocusView as a subview.
  • Currently only MDCFocalPointView and MDCSpotlightView are available, although I would like to make more. It would be nice, for example, if a Gaussian blur could be applied everywhere but the focal points.
  • See the GitHub issues for more bugs/feature requests you can help with.