

create docker/.env file. It should be same as .env file in necktie project


Don't miss

  • We recommend to look into all possible logs during debug. How to do that is explained below.
  • Before restarting consumer, we recommend to clear its log. Its not automatic!
  • If you get stuck, and this page didn't help you. Don't hesitate to ask.

How can I run local session?

  1. docker-compose up will start gateway
  2. Update gateway_host parameter in parameters.yml in necktie project to your local IP address (NOT localhost or 127..1). This redirects necktie to your local necktie-gateway
  3. Its recommended to update also parameters.yml of necktie-gateway project. Set rabbit_url and elastic_host to your local IP address.

How can I see RabitMQ messages?

  1. Open rabiMQ url. Its usually localhost:15672.
  2. If url doesn't work, you can find correct port in necktie docker-compose.yml file
  3. Login credentials can be found in necktie readme file

How can I see running consumers (how to see supervisor tasks)

  1. Look into docker-compose.yml and look for exposed supervisor port (usually 9005).
  2. Go to localhost:<port> and enter user name and password.
  3. You can find password in Necktie project: app/config/parametes.yml.

How can I see error log of consumers?

  1. Go to supervisor page.
  2. Click to name of consumer. You will be redirected to consumer log page.

How can I see errors of gateway itself?

  1. Go to localhost:9080/app_dev.php/.
  2. In left menu click to Logger