
Bo zboczone chińskie bajki to (była) nasza pasja!

ABP database dump

our beautiful logo

This repo contains almost all data gathered during 5 years in which ABP operated at http://abp.modriv.net/.


Because we don't have time for chinese cartoons anymore. And since there's a lot of data, we decided to share it with everyone interested.

What's inside?

Repository structure:

  • anime
    • {id}-{title}.json


  • id: our unique ID for the anime (int),
  • title: anime title (as slug - for example, Mahou Shoujo Meduka Meguca becomes mahou-shoujo-meduka-meguca)


All images' URLs are pointing to our CDN domain, http://s.modriv.net. For the time being (at least 3 months) they will be working, so make to download all necessary information until then.

We might move all images into this repository (provided that it's not too much data for Github to maintain).