
Adding Time stamps for rails logging to enhance trouble shooting for problems in production rails applications


Better logging is a small override for the formate_message of rails Ruby's Logger
The idea is to add a timestamp and the logging level to each logged message, for
better tracking and trouble shooting issue on rails application. The time dimension 
does matter a lot

Sample Output
Processing SessionController#new (for at 2010-02-14 14:45:47.759491) [GET]
2010-02-14 14:45:47 [INFO]   Session ID: db530add21a108be121380734adda65d
2010-02-14 14:45:47 [INFO]   Parameters: {"return_to"=>"/user_menu/preferences", "action"=>"new", "controller"=>"session"}
2010-02-14 14:45:47 [INFO] Rendering  within layouts/application
2010-02-14 14:45:47 [INFO] Rendering session/new
2010-02-14 14:45:47 [DEBUG]   Zone Load (0.000149)   SELECT * FROM zones WHERE (zones.`name` = 'Side Wide Skyscraper Zone') LIMIT 1
2010-02-14 14:45:47 [DEBUG]   Zone Load (0.000124)   SELECT * FROM zones WHERE (zones.`id` = 16) 
2010-02-14 14:45:47 [DEBUG]   Size Load (0.000265)   SELECT * FROM sizes WHERE (sizes.`id` = 4) 
2010-02-14 14:45:47 [INFO] Completed in 0.03830 (26 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.03656 (95%) | DB: 0.00049 (1%) | 200 OK [http://localhost/login?return_to=%2Fuser_menu%2Fpreferences]


  gem install better-logging


In your envitonment.rb add

  require 'better-logging'


Mahmoud Said (mahmoud@modsaid.com)
RubyOnRails Developer