
Select2 for Angular

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular Select2

Angular Select2 is an Angularjs component that can replacement for select boxes.


  • Uses the native Angularjs scope for data binding
  • Fast and lightweight
  • Remote and local data support
  • Big data support


Quick start

Several quick start options are available:

  • Download the latest release
  • Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/Modulr/mdr-angular-select2.git.
  • Install with Bower: bower install mdr-angular-select2.
  • Install with npm: npm install mdr-angular-select2.

What's included

    ├── mdr-select2.js
    └── mdr-select2.min.js



Load JS
<script href="mdr-angular-select2/dist/mdr-select2.min.js"></script>
angular.module('MyApp', ['mdr.select2'])
HTML View or Templates

Basic Directive

<mdr-select2 url="http://miserver.com/json" options="item.estate for item in collection track by item.id"></mdr-select2>

Complete Directive (All attributes)

<mdr-select2 src="collection" options="item.estate group by item.zone for item in collection | orderBy:'item' track by item.id" model="model" selected="value" placeholder="Seleccionar" allow-clear="true" disabled="true" required="true"></mdr-select2>


Attribute Type Description
url string Is the path where you get list of items.
src array Collection of objects.
options string Dynamically generate a list of elements.
model object Get model selected (Output).
selected object Set select value by track (Input).
allow-clear boolean If required clear selection the component is marked as true.
placeholder string Text into placeholder.
disabled boolean If required disable the component is marked as true.
required boolean If is required the component is marked as true.

How to contribute

All contributions are very welcome, We love it. There are several ways to help out:

  • Create an issue on GitHub, if you have found a bug
  • Write test cases for open bug issues
  • Write patches for open bug/feature issues, preferably with test cases included
  • Contribute to the documentation

There are a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow so that we have a chance of keeping on top of things.

If you want to making changes Better avoid working directly on the master branch, to avoid conflicts if you pull in updates from origin, so, if make your contribution under the branch dev, into folder src/.


  • Implementation help may be found at Stack Overflow (tagged mdr-select2).



Copyright and license

Code and documentation (c) Copyright 2015 Modulr. Code published under license MIT