Data analysis of for the Data Spaces course at Polytechnic of Turin.
Notebook with output viewable at
In the first phase I performed different steps to prepare data for the other phases:
- Encoded or removed missing values.
- Removed useless features.
- Use of the plotly library for box plots, bar charts, heatmap, dendogram.
- Data scaling.
- Use of PCA, selection and projection of data on principal components
- Cumulative variance plot
- Use of K-fold cross validation on different models to choose the best one
- Parameter tuning, theory, ROC curve, Model evaluation, learning curve for:
- k-NN
- Random Forest
- Logistic Regression
If your are running the notebook locally/on remote jupyter server:
- Clone the repository
- Download the dataset from kaggle's website (link above)
- Enter your plotly username and api_key (you can find it in your profile section in plotly)
- Run and enjoy!
If you are running the notebook on google colab:
- uncomment the Code snippet for google colab section
- upload your kaggle.json file (you can download it from your profile section in kaggle
- In the load the dataset part follow comments innstructions and comment out the dataset load command
- Run and enjoy!
Feel free to fork the notebook and to improve it! Just insert a reference to the original. If you liked the work, just leave a star! Thank you ✨