
Invoking a Lambda function many times concurrently easily

MIT LicenseMIT

AWS Lambda Concurrency Concept

A proof of concept for a method of invoking an AWS Lambda function hundreds or thousands of times with a single API call.


See my post on Medium here for how it works and why.


It only takes a few clicks. Just log into your AWS account (with appropriate permissions) and click this button:

Launch Stack

Simply click "Next" until you get to the Review page, then check the box for I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources. and click Create.

The stack is now being created. It typically takes 5-7 minutes to finish. Use the refresh button (⟳) to check on it periodically. Once it reaches a CREATE_COMPLETE state, it's ready to go! Simply select the stack, click the Outputs tab, and click the link next to the one called DemoUrl.

What It Does

You'll see a basic web page that lets you specify the number of invocations to make and the payload. Click the Invoke button to submit the invocation request.

The significance is that despite making only a single API request, hundreds or thousands of invocations of the function are triggered. This makes it far easier to (for example) process an SQS queue with millions of items, as you can execute as many concurrent Lambda invocations as are necessary.


To delete all the resources, simply delete the stack.