
Home of Flatso: the simple blog and theme for MODX, done right.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Home of Flatso: the simple personal blog theme for MODX, done without any "Parent Extras" like "Articles", but instead using MODX 2.4 dependencies to install Extras.

YouTube Demo: https://youtu.be/cARDoKmL9mg

DEMO: Live Site Package: Download v1.0.0-pl

This package has 1 goal:

Get you up and running with a standard MODX Blog install with the least barrier to entry.


Built on the MODX Themes Framework

The Wiki in this Repo should however contain all of the information you need about the Theme Markup.


  1. MODX 2.4 - For the dependencies dependencies

  2. MODX Theme Extra (Package) - For the base config MXT config

  3. Flatso Extra (Package) - For everything else! Flatso Config

  4. After install set Friendly URLs to Yes

  5. Clear cache
